Hunters Hill Sailing Club has a long tradition of racing fast in the mighty 29er skiff, going right back to the development phase of this exciting class! In 2018/19 the Club made a strong commitment to the class, building an external storage area for "mast up" storage of the 9ers, which enables teens to come to the Club and prepare their craft for use without needing a stack of folks to assist with a lift off an indoor rack.
For 2023/24, we have two currently in training, with sessions available throughout the week. The Groups are as follows:
- Rookie Fleet - using our Club owned 29ers fitted with the smaller XS rig, along with three trapeze rigged RS Quests - focus is on learning to trapeze safely and efficiently, launch, trim and retrieve an asymmetric spinnaker, and team work including crew sheeting of main and kite. A key focus is safe launching and recovery of the vessels. You can book into this program here (note this is for Saturday afternoon in Term 1 2024 - our Sunday class has sold out!).
- Race Fleet - using member owned full rig 29ers, working on managing the extra power of the 9er, balancing the boat when moving slowly, and getting used to those "yeeeeehahhhhhhh" moments around the inevitable swims!!! Getting ready to race at Club and State level, with Nationals a stretch goal! A key focus is increasingly independant safe launch and recovery of the vessels.
A particular focus we have is on consistent Club racing throughout the September to April season. If you are in year 10, 11 and / or 12, or uni, and just love sailing your 9er in a fleet each weekend without the hassles of moving between the Lake, the Harbour and Botany Bay to find a session, we are absolutely the Club for you!!! And, if you have your Instructor's qualifications, we have heaps of paid work available for you in the mornings, before you race in the afternoon!!! Get in touch and lets have a chat!!